ABC ("Anything But Chardonnay") Wine Ratings and Reviews rates and reviews (no surprise here) "anything but Chardonnay" white wines, varietals and blends, still and sparkling.
Reviews include our opinion of the wine, a score (1 to 9, 1=Superb, 9=Undrinkable), a description of the wine from the winemaker (if available), and a link to the winemaker's website (if available). We also occasionally provide links on where to purchase the wine online.
Although we purchase most of the wine we review ourselves, we do accept bottles for review. We only accept white wine varietals (no Chardonnay, please!) and white wine blends (with the provision that any Chardonnay included make up no more than 25% of the blend). If you are interested in having us review your wine, please send an e-mail to abcwines(@) with your request. See also our Disclosure Policy with respect to our reviews.
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