Origin: Hungary
Blend: Pinot Grigio (100%)
Alcohol Content: 12.0%
Bottle Closure: 3L Box
Purchase Date: September 2010
Purchase Price: $17.99
Our review: Medium gold, nearly amber in color with aromas of apple, honey and spice, with faint floral notes. The flavor profile on the palate is similar, of spiced apples -- but there's also some initial bitterness that gradually fades ... but never entirely, extending into the rather undistinguished finish.
Our rating: We didn't enjoy this wine (and we had nearly three litres of it that we tossed, if that gives you any idea what we thought of it). If it were in a bottle, we'd almost say it was corked, but it is really its earthy spiciness that overwhelms here. Nearly undrinkable alone, its harsher characteristics are subdued a little -- a very little -- when consumed with food. It scores a few points for its nose, but otherwise, we rate it Inferior and do not recommend it.
No taste profile from the winemaker found.
Winery website: Octavin Home Wine Bar.
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